May 2, 2020

May Day Shakespeare Quote

As we look to the coming months, and our annual Shakespeare Festival begins, we celebrate May Day.

May Day Quote

On May 1st, May Day

ushers in a traditional celebration of flowers and spring. In many ancient calendars, May 1st welcomed the first day of summer. This was truly a cause for celebration.

One of the more popular rituals was harvesting flowers and giving them to neighbors and strangers in cone-shaped baskets. These May Baskets become more commonly known as May Day Baskets. The current tradition is observed by hanging a cone-shaped basket full of flowers or other gifts on the outside doorknob, then knocking or ringing the doorbell and running away.

May Day has been a traditional day of celebration

for centuries, with some of the earliest appearing in pre-Christian times. In English tradition, the observance is celebrated by crowning a May Queen and dancing around a maypole. The Finnish recognize a carnival-type celebration in the streets that includes a special type of lemonade made with lemons, brown sugar, and yeast.  In France, it is correct to give people either dogwood or lily of the valley while Italians celebrate with a seasonal feast in honor of the arrival of spring.

May Day and May Baskets –

I had a dear friend in Oregon that loved May Day and May Baskets.  Each year for about 8 years we would take turns being the one to leave a basket on the other’s front door knob.  It was great fun and I have still have one to give her.  Unfortunately, she had five strokes in 3 months and never walked or talked again.  She’s gone now, but trading May baskets is great fun and I think of her every year on May Day.

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