July 23, 2023

Plan Your Work/Life Balance

Week 30 – Seesaw

Going Up and Down Is the Fun

Matthew Kelly, author of “Off Balance” wants us to throw work/life balance out the window in favor of Personal and Professional Satisfaction.

What is the Difference? When you realize that both methods require a comprehensive strategy? Nothing!

Mr. Kelly’s conclusion – everyone needs a system because systems drive behaviors and behaviors lead us to outcomes.

What type of behaviors?

Those that will produce defined outcomes on a regular basis. But life is not regular, especially for Women in Business as a side gig.

If you are married, have children, and run your own business, regular is not part of your vocabulary. And work/life balance is as irregular as you can imagine.

But finding or creating balance is more than charting 24 hours a day – some for you, some for me. It is about being able to carve out quality time for each aspect of your life.

The question you need to answer is what constitutes quality time with each member of your family? How about yourself? And your company? And your home?

Work/Life Balance looks different for everyone. It cannot be driven by your employer. It must come from you. And you do not need a formal system or a chart for red stars. But you do need a plan.

Your Plan

That plan will address what brings joy to your life and how you will bring joy to others. It will include how you interact with family and others. And when will you have alone time and where? How much of your day will involve your business and what will you need to accomplish?

Take your time to write the answer to these questions in your Journal.

  • Think back over the last 3-5 years. What were your three biggest achievements?
  • What have been your greatest concerns or challenges in recent years?
  • How have you overcome these concerns?
  • Why?
  • What have you learned from them?
  • Why did these events occur?
  • What three things in your life (personal and/or professional) illustrate your progress?
  • Who has been the most influential in your life this past year and why?
  • Would you consider them as role models? Why or why not?

With the answers you have and your notes about your work/life – now is the time to build your plan. I review mine every quarter, with my quarterly review and reset.

Work/Life Balance Plan

My Theme for ___________ (Date/Quarter) is _______________________

3 Personal goals:

  • ___________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________

3 Professional Goals:

  • ___________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________

Know My Outcomes:

  • ___________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________
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