January 23, 2021

Cedar City Timelines

Cedar City Timeline

as used for Historic Designation Process


1776 Donimguez-Escalante exploring visit

1851 Iron Mission Begins

1852 Cedar City Chartered

1853 Walker Indian War – evacuation of site – fort built

1855 Current Cedar City site settled

1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre

1858 Iron works closed

1890 Cedar City Population 1,053

1897 Branch Agricultural College (BAC) founded

1904 Telephone poles up Main Street; city water system begun

1905 Gem Theater opened on Main Street

1907 First automobile in Cedar City and electric streetlights

1910 The wealth of the area was in sheep and sheep ranching

1918 volunteers surfaced Main Street with Gravel

1920 Cedar City Population 2,557

1923 Union Pacific Railroad came to Cedar City Pres. Harding attended. The iron County Hospital opened as well.

1926 Community Presbyterian Church dedicated

1931 Tudor-style “Rock Church” was built

1935 PWA funded city sewer system, sidewalks and work on the roads

1940 Cedar City population – 4,695.

1950’s         Iron County is 2nd wealthiest and fastest growing county in Utah

1962 1st Utah Shakespearean Festival began; Leigh Block on Main St. burned

1968 Southern Utah State College became a 4-year college of Liberal Arts & Sciences

1970 Interstate Highway I-15 constructed on the west side of Cedar City

1977 Adams Theatre for Shakespeare (SUSC) dedicated

1989 Randall Jones Theatre (SUSC) dedicated

1991 Southern Utah State College (SUSC) became Southern Utah University (SUU)

2001 Cedar City Civic Center built



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