June 12, 2023

The Business of Business

The Business of Business

Utah culture places women in the home where the family and home are her responsibility and carry the same weight and pressure as running a business. Doing both requires being organized from the very beginning of your business journey.

While most working women in Utah are employed part-time, many have created their own “side gig” to help provide the extras for their families. If this is your focus, let’s be sure you have the necessary info for starting your own small business. And if you are just setting up your home and preparing for a family, you will want to set up your family records as well.

We’ll assume you’ve chosen a niche, know why (other than money) you are passionate about your plan, and have an idea for a business name, location, and what problem you’ll solve.

Check With Your City and/or County.

Before you go any farther, find out what licenses and/or permits your city and/or county require. You may be planning a home-based business. You don’t want to find out your city doesn’t allow them when you’re ready to open. Or sign ordinances only allow tiny little signs on your property. Or you must have your kitchen inspected and approved by the state Department of Health to sell you home-made bread.

Whatever they require, work with them to achieve your dream. There are no better customers and influencers than your own city and county employees. They are not the enemy.

Next Steps

Business Name

Make sure the name reflects what you do and is timeless. Make sure your name is available in your state and is not copyright or trademark protected. Check to see if there is a URL available for your name.

In Utah – try these links.




Wil you have a home office or working from a commercial location? Check with your city/county for zoning and licensing requirements. Consider if you will be having clients come to your business and if you will need to have the product delivered. Check for home-based business requirements (especially if food is involved).

For home-based food businesses, contact your local health department and the Dept. of Agriculture.



Every business that intends to grow will need to have a website – even if it is just a landing page that directs clients elsewhere. Check to make sure the URL you would like is available before you finalize your name in case you must adjust.


Using a Gmail address is becoming more acceptable, but to look professional, you will want to set one up with your website.


Will you use your personal phone number for your business? If so, how will you answer your phone professionally?


This is important because this is the date on which you will have to start filing reports and paying taxes.

Type of Business

The next steps require you to decide if your business will be formed as a lifestyle or legacy business.  And it is probably time to meet with an attorney and an accountant. Both will help you guide your business forward.  Most will be happy to do a first-time consultation for free.  Be sure to ask.

Last Steps

Apply For EIN#

An Employee Identification number is needed if do not want to use your social security number for wholesale purchases and taxation issues.  Use this link to apply.

https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/apply-for-an-employer-identification- number-ein-online

Register With Your State

Since every business is a little different, use the link below for a simple step-by-step way to register with the State of Utah. You will receive your entity number when you are approved, and you will select the date that your business will be active. You will also have a chance to sign up for sales tax if you will be selling products.


Apply For City or County business license.

To conduct business legally in your area, you will need to sign up and purchase a business license with your city or county offices. Most areas have a web site that allows you to register online.

Note: If you have a home-based business, food-based business, or service truck, there may be additional requirements. Check with your public entity for information and requirements.

Other Licenses

Certain kinds of businesses will require professional licensing through DOPL – the Department of Professional Licensing. Others may require more regulation – such as tobacco and firearms. Be sure to research what your business might need to do.

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